Saturday, November 24, 2012

1891 Landmarks

Apologies for the hiatus. Seemingly endless computer snafus and trainwrecks in my personal life have kept me from spending more time indulging in my favorite avocation. Anyway, recently, I used Photoshop to do a little color mod of this panoramic map of Los Angeles from 1891. The highly-foxed original image cleaned up rather well, I think!


Library of Congress.


Library of Congress.

The buildings depicted in the margins are worth a much closer look.

Library of Congress.

Library of Congress.

8 more behind the jump!

Library of Congress.

Library of Congress.

Library of Congress.

Library of Congress.

Library of Congress.

Library of Congress.

Library of Congress.

Library of Congress.


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for doing all that work. Well worth it.

  2. Nicely done.

    Benjamin Cole
    Pasadena 1955

    So your shots of Covina rang a bell...
