I've wanted this particular postcard for a long time, and now I finally have one of my own. The coloring is way off, but the aerial perspective of the Civic Center in 1929 is great. What's most striking to me isn't the Graf Zeppelin; it's that City Hall (left) and the Hall of Justice (far right) are the ONLY two buildings in this entire view that are still standing today. Everything else – every structure, tree, even the hill just beyond the Civic Center – is gone off the face of the earth. And this is Progress!
Hey Scott-- Couldn't get your email link to work. That color card is great. Haven't seen you on "noirish LA" lately. Hope all is well with your eyes by now. Have you seen my blog on the history of Berkeley Square? I'm having a good time with it: http://berkeleysquarelosangeles.blogspot.com/
All the best,
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